With other digital marketing strategies being hyped up and making a visible statement to many marketers today, content marketing may appear dominated by other marketing tactics because of its subtle approach, making it somehow irrelevant. But that’s not true at all. It is able to deliver impressive results, especially when done right. In fact, you can still find reasons why content marketing is needed in your business. However, it’s crucial to understand that like any other marketing strategy out there, content marketing presents some challenges on the side of its benefits to your business. Hence why we’ll be exploring some of the content marketing statistics that are vital for your business:

1. More Than 91% of Businesses Use Content Marketing
Content marketing may not be like other marketing strategies that utilize continued marketing promotions, but it shows significance to businesses given that over 91% of them actively use and believe in what content marketing can contribute to their growth. This inbound marketing tactic is one of the most cost-effective approaches to help you connect better with your audience. In fact, content marketing costs up to 62% less than traditional marketing as it allows you to distribute content on online platforms such as social media, which is more pocket-friendly compared to spending on usual ways of advertising through print and broadcast media. Whether you’re just starting out or you already have a large corporation, content marketing is an affable way to boost your brand credibility and attract new customers.
2. 71% of Consumers Check a Blog Post in Their Buyer Journey
You might be wondering: do people read blogs? The answer is yes — and surprisingly, they do pay attention to the point that it influences their purchase decisions because 71% of consumers check a blog post in their customer journey. This means that whatever you put or recommend in your blog posts can make or break the purchase decision of your customers.
It’s also worth noting that most people only spend 37 seconds reading a blog post. They simply skim and scan through it and get whatever relevant information they can and just leave. If it takes shorter than that, chances are they weren’t hooked enough to stay or weren’t able to find what they were looking for in your blog. So you have to create blogs that are highly engaging, informative, relevant, and interesting as this helps drive the right audience, boost brand awareness and credibility, as well as positively impact revenue.
3. 1,500 to 2,500 Words is the Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO
If you’re creating blogs to improve your SEO rankings, then it’s best to know that it should contain at least 1,500 – 2,500 words. The word count plays a significant role in getting your page to rank higher in search engine results pages. This means that the longer your blogs are, the higher your rank will be. Creating or writing longer blogs tend to rank higher compared to short-form blogs because you can make use of more specific and relevant keywords as well as backlinks, which are very much helpful in building your SEO rankings since it provides a signal to search engines that your blog is of good quality.
4. 55% of Businesses Say That Improving the Quality of Content Was the Most Helpful in Making a Successful Content Marketing Strategy
One of the most important things to consider with content marketing is the quality of content you produce. Hence why 55% of businesses say that improving their content has helped make a successful strategy. Irrelevant and uninteresting content won’t get you anywhere because people are, needless to say, attracted to what serves their interests best. So it’s high-time that every business should pay attention to the kind of content they produce as it drives the right audience and creates a positive impression.
5. 41% Say That Attracting Quality Leads With Content is the Biggest Challenge in Content Marketing
As much as improving your content can be helpful in your content marketing strategy, attracting quality leads using content also presents itself as the biggest challenge. With 41% of marketers claiming this, it’s crucial to come up with content that resonates with your target audience — something that will provide a long-term value and encourage them to know more about your brand, increasing their familiarity with your business and what it offers.
6. 65% of Businesses With Successful Content Marketing Campaigns Run Content Audits
There are several factors that contribute to a successful marketing campaign, and of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving worthwhile results in an instant. One of the ways that’s sure to aid in a successful content marketing campaign is through content audits. A content audit is a method that you can use to organize the documentation of all the created content on your website. It enables you to better analyze and optimize existing content for maximum effectiveness and growth. That’s why 65% of businesses today say that running content audits help make successful content marketing campaigns. Conducting audits also allow you to find ways where you can relate with your audience by being able to answer their queries and provide possible solutions.
7. 21% of Businesses Don’t Have a Content Marketing Team or Someone In-Charge With Content
Although most companies recognize the need for someone to take charge of the content, some of them still don’t — given that 21% don’t have a content marketing team or someone who focuses on producing content for the brand. And with content marketing progressing and making a positive impact in most businesses today, it’s a must that businesses heed this tactic and assign people to do the task, so that the result of the content will be more efficient and there will be no problem in producing them in time for your target audience to see.
8. The Top Performing Content Type Formats are Videos, Blogs, and Success Stories
People naturally love watching videos, especially with more video platforms rising that make it easier for us to access and watch videos online — it’s no surprise that videos top the charts when it comes to content types by format. Compared to other content forms, videos are more entertaining and easier to grasp. So if you’re looking into other marketing strategies to include in your mix, you may want to get started with video marketing. Next to video content formats are blogs and success stories, which we normally see when browsing through social media and search engines.
A trick to making content is to focus on its authenticity and quality rather than the quantity. You can gradually increase the number of content you post based on how your audience responds to it — but don’t overdo it. The last thing you want is to overwhelm your audience with content from your brand. Your goal should be to build trust, identity, and credibility.
9. 95% of Consumers Say That Content Enables Them to Trust a Business More
Content is king and it is very powerful to the point that 95% of consumers trust a business more because of the content they produce. So yet again, it’s a good reminder for every marketer out there to continuously improve the content they share because it has an impact on your target audience. The content you post online can influence your audience to push through with a purchase, hence, improving your sales and brand awareness.
10. 91% of Marketers Use LinkedIn to Give Out Content
If you’ve been taking your time in building your presence in social media to create relevance and awareness for your business, you may also want to go with LinkedIn. This is because 91% of marketers use LinkedIn to distribute professional content. Going the LinkedIn route also means your brand will be able to encounter and reach audiences that are able to grasp what your business is all about and respond better to your posts.
If you’re looking for someone to do content marketing services for your business, contact us today, and we’ll be glad to help you!