Living in the digital age means embracing various technology advancements and how it continues to lead today’s time with the online world being a platform, niche, and source of information and livelihood by many people across the globe. Google is not only the most popular search engine, but it is also the most popular and most visited website in the world with 175 billion monthly visits. It is pretty much a part of everyone’s day, may it be for a few minutes of searching for a meaning of a word, reading through how-to blogs, or several hours of researching for work or school assignments. And with the pandemic striking and causing changes in how society works, people relied heavily on the internet, and search engines like Google played a big part in it.

To let you in on further details of how Google has become a part of our lives in this digital age, here’s an Infographic for Google Search Statistics:

1. How Many Users Does Google Search Have?
Google has 91.47% of the global market share. This means that out of the 5.5 billion internet users worldwide, more than half of the population make use of Google. Despite having other competitors such as Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo, Google still remains on top of the search engine market.
2. How Many Searches Does Google Conduct Every Day?
There are approximately 99,000 search queries on Google per second, which totals to 8.5 billion searches per day, pointing to 2 trillion searches per year worldwide. Imagine that number!
3. What Is The Most Searched Keyword On Google Worldwide?
As of July to September 2021, the most searched keyword or term on Google worldwide is Youtube which holds 1.4 billion of the search volume. It is then followed by Facebook (1.1 billion), Whatsapp (618 million), Google (543.3 million), and Gmail (414 million).
4. How Many People Access Google Search Through Their Desktops and Mobile Devices?
With mostly everything being mobile optimized, many people find it more convenient to use their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to search for information online than on desktops. According to 99firms, 89% of search traffic on Google comes from mobile devices and 78% comes from desktop.
5. How Many Times Do People Use Google Search Daily?
With the large number of users that Google has, it is no surprise that they process thousands of searches per second with each person conducting 3 to 4 searches each day.
6. How Many People Click Paid Ads On Google?
If your goal is to get potential customers to click your ad to enhance website visits, you’ll be glad to know that 63% of people click on paid ads on Google. And with this kind of percentage, you can guarantee that running ads on Google won’t be a waste of time and money for you because people take action on these kinds of ads despite them not being on social media platforms.
7. What Is The Percentage Of Organic Traffic On Google?
Despite the significance that paid search plays in the marketing strategy of advertisers, organic search still has its touch because 53% of website traffic still comes from organic search. Furthermore, 49% of marketers say that organic search is the most profitable approach they use. But of course, this has to be backed up by SEO efforts to come up with a successful result.
8. How Many People Are Likely To Click On The First Set Of Results On Google Search?
28.5% of people are likely to click on the first set of results they see on the Google Search page. Click-throughs for the second page account for 15.7% and the third page has 11%. There is no surprise that the next pages get fewer click-throughs since not many people push through to get more results than what they already have from the first page.
9. How Many People Go To Google To Search For A Product Or Service?
With the internet being accessible to many places in the world, people simply rely on it for many things, and searching for a product or service is one of them, resulting in 81% of active internet users going to Google to search for a particular product or service.
10. How Many Businesses Use Google Ads?
Various businesses today are seeing the benefits of Google Ads, which is why 80% of companies make use of Google Ads to work out their PPC Ad Campaigns. In addition, 80% of marketers today also set aside a budget for ads.
11. How Many People Search Online To Find A Local Business?
97% of internet users search online to find a local business and having a website for your business would be advisable so potential customers can know more about what your brand offers. On top of that, having a website increases your online presence, brand awareness, credibility, and more.
You can also read: 5 Benefits of Having a Website for Your Small Business
If you’re looking for someone to help you with the digital marketing of your business, contact us today, and we’ll be glad to help you!
All stats give great context and provide more to the story. Great job Camille!