Providing quality online service in this digital age is more than just having a beautiful web design — it also needs a reliable web hosting provider. Web hosting is essential for businesses with websites because it serves as a space that houses and maintains your files, keeping them accessible on the larger web and available for other people to see.

Related: What is Web Hosting? How It Works and Its Importance
However, as much as having reliable web hosting is vital, it’s still apparent that not everyone knows about some of its basic concepts and functions, which leads them to build a few misconceptions about web hosting that become a deterrent to having a website that’s not only functional but also secure and accessible to your audience.
1. Web Hosting is Expensive
Most of us are probably guilty of not wanting to spend for something that’s new to us or not too familiar with, especially when it comes to seemingly ‘technical’ marketing tactics such as SEO or digital marketing because we think that they’re expensive — and in this case, it’s web hosting. More often than not, people assume that web hosting is very expensive and would probably be off the budget. But this is definitely a myth.
Rather than just assuming that web hosting is expensive, why not search online about its possible cost? It won’t take a lot of your time and it will help you know more about the various price range offers as well as the packages you can avail that will suit not only your web hosting needs, but also your budget. It’s even worth noting that web hosting providers are very much aware that every website has its own needs, which is why they create offers that will circle in on your needs.
2. Any Web Hosting Provider Will Do
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all web hosting providers are the same, and any of them will do. You have to keep in mind that not all web hosts think the same, hence why the kind of service they provide will also vary. There are some web hosting providers that will make things much easier for you, and there are also those that will do the opposite. This is because some hosts expect you to be knowledgeable of the technical stuff like website maintenance and even web design — all of which not every business would know about.
While budget is a concern, particularly with small businesses, it’s still a must to choose a web hosting provider that offers high quality services. Here are some considerations you may want to take note of in your search for the right hosting provider:
- Average uptime
- Load time
- Customer support
- Pricing and renewal
- Free domain
- Bandwidth and storage
- Refund options
- Website backups
- Security monitoring
3. You’re Stuck With One Host
The misconception that you’re stuck with one host may be the reason why some businesses feel discouraged to get web hosting or are too anxious trying to look for the right one. But that’s just entirely false. The truth is that you can leave your present host and move your website to another host server when you want to — of course, you just have to know how to do it. The level of difficulty of moving your website from one host to another would depend on its size and scope, as well as if your domain name was registered with the help of your host or through a third party.
4. All Cheap Web Hosts are Considered Unreliable
Just like with any other products sold in the market — not every product that’s cheap or inexpensive is considered low-quality; and with web hosting, this idea also applies. While more expensive web hosting packages offer greater deals and security for your website, it doesn’t rid the much cheaper web hosting of its reliability. You can still find a web host that doesn’t break the bank, and at the same time, provides you with good quality and reliable services.
5. Website Security is Not an Issue With Web Hosting
First of all, security should always be one of your priorities when putting up a website, mainly if you run an ecommerce site. Don’t assume that once you get a web host, they’ll eventually take care of your website security because that’s not always the case. It’s always better to think that every web hosting provider offers varying security options that you will have to check before subscribing to any of their packages. Aside from the usual protection that hosts provide for your website, other forms of security may also be required from website managers such as regular updates, SSL certificates, limited admin access, frequent password changes, and more.
Second, on the part of your web hosting provider, they should still take responsibility for making sure that both the physical servers and hardware are maintained and well protected from potential attacks. And since the hosts own the servers, they also ought to keep it safe from malware and other vulnerabilities.
6. You’re Better Off With Free Web Hosting
Look at it this way: there’s no such thing as quality and reliable web hosting that’s offered for free. Simply put, good-quality hosts will not give you their resources for free — so it will always come with a price, whether it is affordable or not. Don’t compromise the quality of your web hosting just because you want to cut costs. Going for a free web hosting package does not come with dedicated customer support or professional assistance, which is a vital consideration when it comes to choosing the right web hosting provider. Pushing through with free hosting will expose your website to more risks and vulnerabilities later on.
Do you need help with your web hosting? Contact us today so we can help you!