Upgrade and Reboot of Hardware Node - 6-28-2014 12NN to 8PM +8 GMT (Manila Time)

  • Friday, 27th June, 2014
  • 11:09am

This is a notice to inform you that the parent hardware node that provides service to the server will be rebooted on June 28th between 12:00nn and 08:00pm +8 GMT (Manila Time) for an important kernel security update.  This is in relation to the individual container reboots that occurred overnight last night.  There should be no more than 20 to 30 minutes of downtime to complete this upgrade and reboot the hardware node. All best practice methods will be used to ensure a quick reboot after the kernel update to minimize downtime on your server. This maintenance window is required to reboot the hardware node into the most current Parallels Virtuozzo kernel. Updating to this new kernel will address critical bug fixes to the parent hardware node.

We apologize in advance for the short notice and any inconvenience that this Hardware Node maintenance may cause. This critical bug fix within the kernel requires us to put this update in place as soon as possible. 

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